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About Redlands

Thursdays 3:00pm



The Co-Hosts...

Patty Peoples

'Health & Fitness'

Jill Rooks

'Health & Fitness'

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                     About Redlands  

                with Deborah O'Hara


Redlands is a staycation for its residents and a destination for Southern Californians because of its natural beauty, art, architecture and unique attractions. We have breweries, theater, museums, a chocolatier, concerts, coffee roasters, creameries, a children’s bookstore and all the charm of a neighborly small town where families who have known each other for generations share the latest news at chance grocery encounters.


This radio program will be a listener’s manual for a richer experience in this jewel of a community.


The show will present upcoming events and entertainment, juicy local history, outdoor treasures and fitness opportunities and a weekly local business spotlight. It will be interesting and useful for both locals and visitors.


         Deborah O'Hara

Business Highlights Sponsorship
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